When we appreciate our fellow human beings, we often fall in love with their unique features. The wrinkles of joy in the corner of their eyes, the freckles drawn by the summer sun, gestures and expressions that different experiences and stages of life have printed on them. These details are an inseparable parts of who we are, unique features that define our no less unique selves. Without these special, beautiful, and interesting details, much of who we are would be lost.

Grain patterns tell a story

Just as there is no one like you, there are no two trees that are exactly alike. Each tree differs depending on the place in which they have grown, the type of climate and light in which they have stretched their branches, how long they have lived, and the company they have kept.

The grain patterns vary by tree species — they are parts of the tree’s annual ring that tells tales of quiet, cold winters and life-bubbling springs decades ago.

In some tree species, the heart and surface wood are clearly distinguished by a strong difference in shade, while in others the difference is almost unnoticeable. The grain patterns vary by tree species — they are parts of the tree’s annual ring that tells tales of quiet, cold winters and life-bubbling springs from decades ago.

There is a reason and history behind each distinctive part of the wood surface, such as medullary rays that are highly visible in oak, connecting the surface and the core, transferring water and nutrients from the surface to the living inner parts of the wood. Each individual tree has a truly unique and rich life story to tell.

Skandi Round Table, Kari Virtanen

Revealing the beauty within

Given this unique material, handling wood requires a keen understanding of the background and tendencies of each piece of wood. It is the job of the timber handler and carpenter to ensure that the right parts of the wood are put into use and to harness their peculiarities so that the finished product functions as expected and within certain limits. But, throughout this process, the characteristic features of the wood should not be concealed; rather, the natural material’s uniquely beautiful self is fully revealed.

Differences and peculiarities are not mistakes but a part of life, and, in fact, a reason to fall in love.

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From Forest to a Table

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