You are home
Nature is our home, just as much as the built environment that we call homes. Human beings have settled in amongst the verdure. Our relationship with nature, as our home, should always strive to maintain a beautiful balance, so that through our actions we respect the natural balance of the environment itself — if we take something out, we must also give something back. Acting against this natural balance has proven, time and again, to be an unsustainable option. It is only through a balanced and responsible interaction that we can support our natural home, so that we can all thrive and prosper together.
Nikari manufactures furniture that withstands time and use. Thoughtfully designed and carefully made objects are emotional choices, the kind of objects that are passed across generations. Timeless aesthetics, high-quality design and technical durability ensure that the product is always relevant and withstands use and abuse for decades, even centuries. In this sense, these products retain their place as a part of nature. Wood remains a carbon sink, even when it is transformed from a tree into a piece of furniture.
Nikari’s workshop is powered by the ever-roaming rapids nearby. It is housed in an old 19th-century machinery workshop, located near a small but efficient hydropower plant, next to the Fiskars river, which provides more than enough energy to power the entire studio-workshop. Nikari’s subcontractors are also committed to using green energy.
Choices matter. Good, balanced choices have good, balanced consequences. High-quality, sustainable design produces a balanced well-being, both for us and for the natural home that surrounds us.